
Truly Nolen’s Response to

Commercial Pest Control

Utility Box Bee Removal

Bees can establish a colony in any space, so an in-ground utility box often provides an ideal location. Removal to protect utility employees and passersby is recommended.

The INSPECTION process begins with a customer interview, followed by a thorough visual inspection for pest IDENTIFICATION and DETERMINATION of a course of action. Because bees pose a danger, the pest professional does not ask the customer to accompany him during the inspection phase.

  1. Safety – The pest professional puts on his bee suit and remains suited up during the entire process. He secures the area based on the location and sting potential to passersby.
  2. Cluster Knockdown – Using soapy water (1 cup per gallon – Dawn dishwashing liquid preferred) in a power sprayer or back pack sprayer, the technician injects the solution into the hole in the box cover to begin the knockdown process. He then slowly opens the box cover while continuing to spray the solution, aiming at the comb structure and any bee clusters inside the box.
  3. Comb Removal – Once activity is reduced, the technician removes the comb and places it in a plastic bag. He collects most of the dead bees around the utility box and places them in the plastic bag. The technician then seals the bag for off-site disposal.
  4. Exclusion – The technician fills the holes in the box cover with fiberglass insulation.
  5. Surface Treatment – The tech treats the utility box top and area immediately around the utility box with a residual material.

COMMUNICATION – Once the job is completed, the pest control professional discusses with the customer, either in person or by phone, his inspection findings and treatment activities imposed. The professional also lets the customer know that some straggler bees may return to the site over the next 48 hours, but will eventually die or leave his location.

A 30-day guarantee is provided.

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