Where You Might Find Bed Bug Eggs In Your Niagara Home

Bed bugs are pests that seem to strike fear in a population, not because they carry or spread disease — the insects are not known transmitters of health issues. The primary reason people can’t stand bed bugs is that they are a nuisance and spread quickly. Thankfully, with proper treatment, a bed bug exterminator in … Continue reading Where You Might Find Bed Bug Eggs In Your Niagara Home

Niagara Pest Removal: Why Wasps Bite and How You Can Avoid Encounters

When summer arrives in Ontario, a variety of insect pests become active, including several species of wasps. The species that live in Ontario are mostly social and build community hives, and when they choose your property as a nesting site, it could put you and your family in danger. We at Truly Nolen Canada can … Continue reading Niagara Pest Removal: Why Wasps Bite and How You Can Avoid Encounters

Niagara Pest Removal: 3 Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Bedroom

There is an urban legend that says that the average person unknowingly swallows eight spiders a year while sleeping. According to experts, this is not true. Spiders are intimidated by humans, even when the latter are asleep, and try not to approach them except when necessary. Nevertheless, your bedroom may provide spiders with shelter from … Continue reading Niagara Pest Removal: 3 Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Bedroom

Niagara Pest Control: What Are Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents?

In theory, ultrasonic rodent repellents sound like a brilliant way to achieve mice control in Niagara. They are purported to prevent mice infestation by making the home an inhospitable environment for rodents without physically harming them. Unfortunately, like most things that sound too good to be true, ultrasonic rodent repellents do not live up to … Continue reading Niagara Pest Control: What Are Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents?

Niagara Pest Removal: What Colours Do Spiders Hate?

A lot of people don’t like spiders and seek out spider control in Niagara when they become nuisances. Can you use colour to repel spiders from your home? Are there some colours that spiders like or dislike more than others? How Do Spiders See? Spiders can have up to eight eyes, though some have fewer … Continue reading Niagara Pest Removal: What Colours Do Spiders Hate?

5 Ways to Keep Rats Out of Your Dorm in Niagara

Dorm rooms are classically unkempt environments, but it is very important to enforce some basic rules. Commercial pest control in Niagara is worth your time if your residents are simply unable to maintain a hygienic environment. It may be worthwhile to create norms for your residence hall that include keeping food sealed, sealing holes or … Continue reading 5 Ways to Keep Rats Out of Your Dorm in Niagara

Niagara Pest Removal: Why Do Bed Bugs Choose to Infest Beds?

As insect pests go, bed bugs are not particularly dangerous, but they can be a major nuisance. About 50% of all people are sensitive to bed bug saliva, meaning that the bites produce a reaction that causes them to become red, raised, and itchy. Even if you do not react to the bites, it is … Continue reading Niagara Pest Removal: Why Do Bed Bugs Choose to Infest Beds?