Opening the cottage and things to look out for.

Many of our cottages are in areas with high wildlife populations. The middle of the woods is the perfect tranquille place to enjoy some a relaxing weekend. However, there are lots of things to watch out for when spending time so close to mice, rats and insects. Upon your first cottage visit of the season … Continue reading Opening the cottage and things to look out for.

What’s the difference between a wasp and a hornet?

When there are yellow and black insects buzzing around your property it can be scary. Also, it’s difficult to determine what kind of infestation you might have. To properly remove any insects problems it’s important to figure out exactly what you’re dealing with. Wasp A wasp can be identified as any insect considered a Hymenoptera … Continue reading What’s the difference between a wasp and a hornet?

How a proper home inspection can solve a carpenter ant problem.

Carpenter ants are an insect that can do major structural damage to your home. They’re known for extracting large segments of wood to build their nests. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. The remove wood in the form of shavings to construct large galleries to house colonies. These nests can weaken wooden structures. … Continue reading How a proper home inspection can solve a carpenter ant problem.

How year round pest control can help protect your home.

Regular inspections of your home can help reduce large infestation. Make sure to spend some time every season pest proofing your home. The most important thing to keep in mind is to reduce holes in outside walls and roofs. Pests can easily make their way into your home to find warmth or food. Understanding insect … Continue reading How year round pest control can help protect your home.

The life cycle of a carpenter ant.

Carpenter ants build nests inside wood. They construct galleries where the wood has been chewed out. Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t eat wood. They remove it to make their colonies. Commonly carpenter ants are identifiable by the small piles of shavings found outside their nests. Carpenter ants prefer dead or damp wood, so places like … Continue reading The life cycle of a carpenter ant.

What is Halifax doing to combat rats?

Downtown Halifax has a rat problem. There are multiple reasons this might be occurring. Maybe it’s the mild winter weather. Or the commotion caused by excessive downtown construction. Halifax is a port town so they have always had problems with rats. The tons of moving ships from all over the world carrying different materials and … Continue reading What is Halifax doing to combat rats?