Buying a Home? Have a Professional Pest Inspection Done First.

That spacious and perfect looking home you’ve been eyeing could hide some unpleasant surprises. Many excited new homeowners who are on a mission to purchase their first home may rush the process and end up with surprise expenses in repairs due to pest damage. This is why we recommend getting reliable pest control contractors to … Continue reading Buying a Home? Have a Professional Pest Inspection Done First.

Don’t Let Unwanted Pests Spoil Your Backyard Oasis This Summer

Backyards become increasingly active spots during the hot summer months. Gatherings, late-night parties, picnics, and barbecues are only some of the occasions in which people like to gather and spend some quality time together. At the same time, a lot of food and drinks are present, which can attract all sorts of pests. Moreover, trash … Continue reading Don’t Let Unwanted Pests Spoil Your Backyard Oasis This Summer

Does killing the queen wasp get rid of the nest?

It seems like basic knowledge that if the queen wasp is removed from the nest it will not continue to grow. However, this isn’t always the case. There can be multiple queens and it greatly depends on the sustainability of the nest. Also, there are periods when killing the queen wasp can get rid of … Continue reading Does killing the queen wasp get rid of the nest?